Support Material

SOR & Direct to Customer Automated Image Chases

Please find guidance below on details of how the automated chases work, as well as FAQs and guidance on how to limit/reduce the volumes of emails you receive.

We have recently made an upgrade to one of our existing RPA’s which will allow us to chase imagery more frequently for SOR and D2C lines. 

This change will mean we are able to provide lists of EANs which are missing imagery in our system. The RPA will be scheduled to go out 2 times per week (Monday and Thursday), and automatically flag what needs to be uploaded to the portal.



(More details on each are below)

 o Upload all imagery to the portal

 o If a size add, provide an existing JL Stock Number/EAN for it to be added to

 o If product is no longer going ahead, advise us so we can ‘Stop Launch’ and prevent future requests for these lines being sent out - we can also initiate deletion of these options to free up stock numbers for future launches


Once the RPA is turned on, all future imagery requests will come via the RPA

All EANs that are contained in the email attachment are for products showing in our system as needing imagery. This is based on the status we have at 5am each morning. On rare occasions, most notably if imagery has been uploaded after 3pm the previous day, the status may not have updated yet. Where this is the case, those EANs should update and be removed from the next RPA run. For everything else, we need assets to be uploaded; only after this has happened and the images approved will the RPA stop highlighting these as outstanding.



 o Emails will be broken down by month, meaning multiple emails will be sent based on the target launch date of products

 o All products due to launch in August will come on one email, all September on another, and so on

 o Emails will also be separated based on what Category they are set up under

 o EG if a supplier has products that come under Womenswear, Menswear and Childrenswear, an individual email will be sent for each

 o This is because many suppliers have different contacts that look after certain areas, and due to the risk of data security breaches, we cannot send potentially confidential information to a group that may not be entitled to see this

All emails that are sent each day will contain different requests, all of which need to be actioned



Requests may not always be sent from the most suitable inbox (work is ongoing to resolve this).

 o Ensure responses are sent to the appropriate team that deal with your launch queries - DO NOT JUST REPLY TO THE EMAIL THAT IS SENT BY THE RPA

SOR Fashion -

Direct to Customer SOR -



Images are requested based on what our system sees as still outstanding (not yet uploaded)

Once images are added to the portal, assuming they are named correctly and meet the style guidelines, they will then be removed from the next automated chase.

If any of the lines we are requesting are size adds to be added to existing lines, please provide a EAN that this can be linked with so we can complete and update the system so requests are stopped.

For lines which are no longer going ahead or to be deleted, let us know via the most appropriate email address so we can change the status and stop requests being sent out.